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Small centrifugal pumps with magnetic coupling PAN World PX series


Pan World plastové čerapdlo s magnetickou spojkou 100 PX Create Flow
320 €
(388 € incl. VAT)
čerpadlo na chemikálie
427 €
(517 € incl. VAT)
Pan World plastové čerapdlo s magnetickou spojkou 100 PX Create Flow
550 €
(665 € incl. VAT)
Pan World plastové čerapdlo s magnetickou spojkou 50 PX Create Flow
510 €
(617 € incl. VAT)
Pan World plastové čerapdlo s magnetickou spojkou 50 PX Create Flow
291 €
(353 € incl. VAT)
Pan World plastové čerapdlo s magnetickou spojkou 50 PX Create Flow
274 €
(332 € incl. VAT)
Panword čerapdlo s magnetickou spojkou 30 40 PX Create Flow
233 €
(281 € incl. VAT)
Panword čerapdlo s magnetickou spojkou 30 40 PX Create Flow
225 €
(272 € incl. VAT)
24 items total




24 items to display
Panword čerapdlo s magnetickou spojkou 5 10 PX Create Flow
183 € incl. VAT
151 € / pcs

The PAN WORLD centrifugal pump with magnetic coupling is suitable for filtration, transport of chemical liquids, liquid circulation, heat or cooling circuits, cooling of carbon...

Code: NH-10X-H
Panword čerapdlo s magnetickou spojkou 5 10 PX Create Flow
183 € incl. VAT
151 € / pcs

The PAN WORLD centrifugal pump with magnetic coupling is suitable for filtration, transport of chemical liquids, liquid circulation, heat or cooling circuits, cooling of carbon...

Code: NH-10X-T
Pan World plastové čerapdlo s magnetickou spojkou 100 PX Create Flow
665 € incl. VAT
550 € / pcs

The PAN WORLD centrifugal pump with magnetic coupling is suitable for filtration, transport of chemical liquids, liquid circulation, heat or cooling circuits, cooling of carbon...

Code: NH-100 PX-F-T
Pan World plastové čerapdlo s magnetickou spojkou 100 PX Create Flow
388 € incl. VAT
320 € / pcs

The PAN WORLD centrifugal pump with magnetic coupling is suitable for filtration, transport of chemical liquids, liquid circulation, heat or cooling circuits, cooling of carbon...

Code: NH-100 PX-T
Pan World plastové čerapdlo s magnetickou spojkou 100 PX Create Flow
396 € incl. VAT
327 € / pcs

The PAN WORLD centrifugal pump with magnetic coupling is suitable for filtration, transport of chemical liquids, liquid circulation, heat or cooling circuits, cooling of carbon...

Code: NH-100 PX-Z-T
čerpadlo na chemikálie
524 € incl. VAT
433 € / pcs

Centrifugal pump PAN WORLD NH-125 PS-G Max. output 47 l/min, discharge 3.3 m, 1-f el. 230 V motor with magnetic coupling is suitable for filtration, chemical liquid transport,...

Code: NH-125PS-G
čerpadlo na chemikálie
524 € incl. VAT
433 € / pcs

Centrifugal pump PAN WORLD NH-125 PS-H Max. output 47 l/min, discharge 3.3 m, 1-f el. 230 V motor with magnetic coupling is suitable for filtration, chemical liquid transport,...

Code: NH-125PS-H
čerpadlo na chemikálie
517 € incl. VAT
427 € / pcs

The PAN WORLD centrifugal pump with magnetic coupling is suitable for filtration, transport of chemical liquids, liquid circulation, heat or cooling circuits, cooling of carbon...

Code: NH-150 PS-G
čerpadlo na chemikálie
517 € incl. VAT
427 € / pcs

The PAN WORLD centrifugal pump with magnetic coupling is suitable for filtration, transport of chemical liquids, liquid circulation, heat or cooling circuits, cooling of carbon...

Code: NH-150 PS-H
čerpadlo na chemikálie
741 € incl. VAT
613 € / pcs

The PAN WORLD centrifugal pump with magnetic coupling is suitable for filtration, transport of chemical liquids, liquid circulation, heat or cooling circuits, cooling of carbon...

Code: NH-250 PS-G
čerpadlo na chemikálie
752 € incl. VAT
621 € / pcs

The PAN WORLD centrifugal pump with magnetic coupling is suitable for filtration, transport of chemical liquids, liquid circulation, heat or cooling circuits, cooling of carbon...

Code: NH-250 PS-G3J
cerpadlo s magnetickou spojkou Create Flow
228 € incl. VAT
189 € / pcs

The PAN WORLD centrifugal pump with magnetic coupling is suitable for filtration, transport of chemical liquids, liquid circulation, heat or cooling circuits, cooling of carbon...

Code: NH-30PX-H
Pan World plastové čerapdlo s magnetickou spojkou 100 PX Create Flow
262 € incl. VAT
217 € / pcs

The PAN WORLD centrifugal pump with magnetic coupling is suitable for filtration, transport of chemical liquids, liquid circulation, heat or cooling circuits, cooling of carbon...

Code: NH-30PX-T
Pan World plastové čerapdlo s magnetickou spojkou 30 40 PX Create Flow
762 € incl. VAT
629 € / pcs

The PAN WORLD centrifugal pump with magnetic coupling is suitable for filtration, transport of chemical liquids, liquid circulation, heat or cooling circuits, cooling of carbon...

Code: NH-30PI-Z-D-G
Panword čerapdlo s magnetickou spojkou 30 40 PX Create Flow
272 € incl. VAT
225 € / pcs

The PAN WORLD centrifugal pump with magnetic coupling is suitable for filtration, transport of chemical liquids, liquid circulation, heat or cooling circuits, cooling of carbon...

Code: NH-40PX-H
Panword čerapdlo s magnetickou spojkou 30 40 PX Create Flow
281 € incl. VAT
233 € / pcs

The PAN WORLD centrifugal pump with magnetic coupling is suitable for filtration, transport of chemical liquids, liquid circulation, heat or cooling circuits, cooling of carbon...

Code: NH-40PX-T
Panword čerapdlo s magnetickou spojkou 5 10 PX Create Flow
170 € incl. VAT
140 € / pcs

The PAN WORLD centrifugal pump with magnetic coupling is suitable for filtration, transport of chemical liquids, liquid circulation, heat or cooling circuits, cooling of carbon...

Code: NH-5X-H
Panword čerapdlo s magnetickou spojkou 5 10 PX Create Flow
175 € incl. VAT
144 € / pcs

The PAN WORLD centrifugal pump with magnetic coupling is suitable for filtration, transport of chemical liquids, liquid circulation, heat or cooling circuits, cooling of carbon...

Code: NH-5X-T
Pan World plastové čerapdlo s magnetickou spojkou 50 PX Create Flow
617 € incl. VAT
510 € / pcs

The PAN WORLD centrifugal pump with magnetic coupling is suitable for filtration, transport of chemical liquids, liquid circulation, heat or cooling circuits, cooling of carbon...

Code: NH-50 PX-F-T
Pan World plastové čerapdlo s magnetickou spojkou 50 PX Create Flow
332 € incl. VAT
274 € / pcs

The PAN WORLD centrifugal pump with magnetic coupling is suitable for filtration, transport of chemical liquids, liquid circulation, heat or cooling circuits, cooling of carbon...

Code: NH-50 PX-H
Pan World plastové čerapdlo s magnetickou spojkou 50 PX Create Flow
353 € incl. VAT
291 € / pcs

The PAN WORLD centrifugal pump with magnetic coupling is suitable for filtration, transport of chemical liquids, liquid circulation, heat or cooling circuits, cooling of carbon...

Code: NH-50 PX-T
Pan World plastové čerapdlo s magnetickou spojkou 50 PX Create Flow
743 € incl. VAT
614 € / pcs

The PAN WORLD centrifugal pump with magnetic coupling is suitable for filtration, transport of chemical liquids, liquid circulation, heat or cooling circuits, cooling of carbon...

Code: NH-50PX-Z-D-T-3M
Panword čerapdlo s magnetickou spojkou 5 10 PX Create Flow
295 € incl. VAT
243 € / pcs

The PAN WORLD centrifugal pump with magnetic coupling is suitable for filtration, transport of chemical liquids, liquid circulation, heat or cooling circuits, cooling of carbon...

Code: NH-5PX-D-T 24VDC
čerpadlo na chemikálie
571 € incl. VAT
472 € / pcs

Odstředivé čerpadlo PAN WORLD s magnetickou spojkou je vhodné pro filtraci, transport chemických kapalin, cirkulace kapalin, tepelné nebo chladící okruhy, chlazení uhlíkových...

Code: NH-200 PS-G

Odstředivá čerpadla s magnetickou spojkou. Čerpadla jsou vhodná pro chemický průmysl, kde je požadováno plastové materiálové provedení. Čerpadla jsou dodávána v materiálovém provedení Polypropylen, Teflon. Všechna čerpadla jsou označena CE. Některé řady splňují požadavky směrnice Atex 94/9 / EC pro použití v prostředí s nebezpečím výbuchu. 

Pan World NH PX skladem výkonová křivka

Pan World NH PX lázně

Pan World NH PX skladem roměr

Pan World NH PX rozměr 24 V DC